vGroup International x CALMDriver

vGroup International is proud to announce that we are working with CALMDriver – Campaign Against Living Miserably, raising important awareness having open conversations about the importance of male mental health. CALMDriver is a collaboration between Highways England (using the Driving for Better Business brand) and the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), drawing attention to these issues and signposting support.

Statistics reveal that suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45, with 99% of commercial vehicle drivers being male and 75% under 45 years old. The Office for National Statistics reveals that the suicide rate for van drivers is 25% higher than the national average and 20% higher for truck drivers.

CALM provides a driver pack including vehicle stickers and a leaflet to start the conversation and signpost support for mental health.

For more information, please contact vGroup International at

Register now for free resources to help your drivers through tough times
